Summer Mentoring Workshop for Intermediate Research Mentors (SWIRM)

Developed by Matt Peck, WSU-NIH T32 Program Coordinator and Assistant Professor

Funded by 3T32GM008336-35S1

Overarching Workshop Objective:

Develop your STEM research mentorship practice by studying mentorship tools and case studies within a supportive learning community

Who are “intermediate” mentors?

Graduate students, postdocs, and non-faculty staff who mentor undergraduate or graduate mentees in STEM research labs. They are in mentoring triads with a supervising mentor (usually a PI).

Image of mentoring triad with a faculty PI, experienced post doc or grad student, and less experienced research mentee
Intermediate mentors (both mentees and mentors in mentoring triads) face interesting situations in STEM research mentorship

Curriculum sources for this tailored facilitation included:

  • Two programs created by Center for Improvement of Mentored Experiences in Research (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
    • “Entering Research” is built for mentees. We look at pieces of this curriculum for you to use as both the mentor and a mentee in mentoring triads.
    • “Entering Mentoring” was built for mentors to explore competencies. We’ve also used this curriculum in RCR and with faculty since 2022. Matt’s favorite parts are the case studies.
  • “Learn. Inspire. Foster. Transform.” created by the Transformational Change Initiative at Washington State University has been shown to improve inclusion in classroom settings, and principles should transfer to inclusion in research ecosystems.

Curriculum used for this four by two-hour meeting workshop

2024 SWIRM Group Working on Case Studies